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Pre-Production with Affinity

Pre-production formally begins once a project has been greenlit.


Pre-production at Affinity Films

At this stage, finalizing preparations for production go into effect. Financing will generally be confirmed and many of the key elements such as principal cast members, director and cinematographer are set. Locations are scouted and acquired during this stage.

During pre-production, the script is broken down into individual scenes and all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects are identified. An extremely detailed schedule is produced and arrangements are made for the necessary elements to be available to the film-makers at the appropriate times.

Sets are constructed, the crew is hired, financial arrangements are put in place and a start date for the beginning of principal photography is set.

At some point in pre-production there will be a read-through of the script which is usually attended by all cast members with speaking parts, the director, cinematographer, producer and all heads of departments.