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Development at Affinity

It all starts with a great idea

At this stage a producer(s) are brought in to turn an idea into a film, television series, etc.. After identifying a theme or underlying message, the producer(s) work with writers to prepare a synopsis. Next they produce a outline, which breaks the story down into scenes that give a dramatic structure. Then, they prepare a treatment, a 25-to-30-page description of the story, its mood, and characters. This usually has very little if any dialogue or stage direction, but often contains drawings that help visualize key points.

Next, if the project is a feature film, a screenwriter(s) will be brought in to write a screenplay over a period of several months. At numerous times, the producer(s) will send the screenplay out to have other industry professionals read it and give their feedback. Based on that feedback the producer(s) may have the screenwriter(s) rewrite it several times to improve dramatization, clarity, structure, characters, dialogue, and overall style.

After that, the producer(s) and screenwriter(s) will prepare a pitch, or treatment, and present it to potential financiers. If the pitch is successful, the project receives a “green light”, meaning someone offers financial backing. Once the project gets the green light, it will proceed to the pre-production stage.

However, producers often skip some of the previous steps and may develop screenplays that are submitted directly to them by writers, filmmakers and other producers for development in which they feel may make a marketable project.

Do you have a great idea? If so, we can turn that dream into reality!